Investing in your future health
GLCH is committed to developing and delivering quality health
and wellbeing services to the people of East Gippsland.

Delivering quality services
We will evaluate and continuously improve our existing services
and develop new services in response to community needs.

Diversity & cultural awareness
We recognise the rich diversity of cultural,
religious, racial and linguistic backgrounds
East Gippsland and plan culturally responsive
and accessible services.

Committed to inclusive practice
We are working on making our service more inclusive for Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex (LGBTI) staff and clients to achieve
the Rainbow Tick accreditation for our organisation.
How can we help?
Our Services include…
Gippsland Lakes Complete Health has zero tolerance towards child abuse and is committed to establishing and maintaining child inclusive, safe and child friendly environments.
We are committed to inclusive practice and welcome feedback on our services, in particular from Aboriginal, LGBTI and Disability communities.