After a bushfire, sometimes people are unsure of what to do next. The Bushfire case support program provides practical support for people who have been affected by the Victorian bushfires.
What is the Bushfire case support program?
Case Support Coordinators can help you with: Support can be provided face to face, over the phone or at a location that suits you.
Who is it for?
People from bushfire impacted areas in East Gippsland and North East Victoria.
How much does this program cost?
This is a free service.
How can I access this program?
To access this program or find out more:
Call: 1800 560 760 – 8am – 6pm weekdays and 9am – 5pm on weekends
More information
The Bushfire case support program is funded by the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements and the Victorian Government. Click HERE to view FAQ.