The aged care team at Gippsland Lakes Complete Health (GLCH) recently hosted consumer forums where clients and their carers were invited to share their thoughts and ideas about the home care packages that GLCH provide throughout East Gippsland.
“At Gippsland Lakes Complete Health, we value consumer participation and encourage our clients to have meaningful involvement in decisions made about their care, and guidance with service planning and evaluation,” explained Home Care Package coordinator, Debbie Smith. “It also gives us an opportunity to strengthen relationships and improve communication with our clients.”
Clients spoke openly with GLCH staff about their experiences and offered some great suggestions to help improve and promote the home care packages program. Mrs Marjorie Reid of Bairnsdale was an active participant at the forum and “…thought it was marvellous.”
Amelia Seymour, who attended a smaller group forum agreed saying, “It was really great to put faces to names and see and hear from other community members who are also on packages.”
The forums provided the aged care team with the opportunity to discuss a number of new initiatives with participants including a proposed new service where people who are ineligible for a funded home care package or are on the waiting list will now be able to purchase care services directly from GLCH. Groups were also asked their opinions on a collection of new promotional resources.
“There was plenty of useful two-way communication and valuable client insight and suggestions that will help us with our future planning,” said Ms Smith. “The forums were a great success and we will repeat them annually.”
To find out more about home care packages or their new self-funded care services, contact the home care packages team on 5152 0022.