Today is National Meals on Wheels Day, an opportunity to recognise the dedication, commitment and resilience of more than 45,000 fabulous Meals on Wheels volunteers who tirelessly support vulnerable Australian community members across over 590 service locations.
In the past 12 months, our awesome volunteers have delivered more than 15,000 meals to clients living in Bairnsdale, Lakes Entrance and Paynesville.
That is more than 300 meals a week to almost 90 residents!
But Meals on Wheels is more than just a meal…
It’s a knock on the door, a friendly greeting, and a nourishing meal that allows residents to remain at home and engaged with their communities when they live alone and have few social contacts.
It’s about making sure our clients are safe and well
The Meals on Wheels service eases loneliness, links people into their local communities and other services. It monitors health and wellbeing, prevents hospitalisation, and in some cases premature and permanent admission into an aged care facility.
For example, Fay lost her husband and retreated into her shell and rejected all in-home support and local socialisation services. When her daughter managed to convince her to accept Meals on Wheels, she gradually started eating better and getting out and about and socialising. The food was a factor, but both she and her daughter attributed this “return to life” to the daily interactions with caring volunteers.
We’re always on the lookout for individuals or businesses willing to give up just a few hours of their time, grab an esky, and help deliver meals. Contact our volunteer coordinator or visit and get involved.

Pictured: GLCH volunteer coordinator Janet Taylor, and CEO Anne-Maree Kaser catch up with Meals on Wheels volunteer Barbara Decker and client John Willis on National Meals on Wheels Day.