Our Board of Directors are all volunteers who share a passion for contributing to the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and the community as a whole. Board membership is an honorary position with no fees or salaries paid. Up to six directors are elected from the membership of GLCH and up to three directors are appointed to ensure a robust skill mix on the board.
Board Directors act in good faith, honestly and in the best interests of the Service, continually focused on improving the provision and accessibility of high quality affordable health care and support of people in East Gippsland.
The role of the Board is to:
- Govern the service;
- Determine strategic direction and organisation policy;
- Approve financial objectives, performance and plans; and
- Ensure compliance with legal requirements and standards of performance.
We encourage members of the East Gippsland community with an interest in our organisation to consider nominating for a Board position. Membership to be eligible for nomination to an elected position in 2015/16 needs to be received by June 10, 2015.
Requirements for Board Membership:
- A commitment to work for the greater good of the Service and the achievement of its purposes
- Directors will bring knowledge, expertise and influence relevant to the affairs of the Service
- Directors are required to serve on one Committee, either Finance or Audit & Risk, which meet in alternate months.
If you are interested in finding out more, or know someone else who may be interested, contact Marnie Graham on 5155 8300.