Gippsland Lakes Complete Health (GLCH) has been given the ‘big tick’ as an authenticated charity which the community is encouraged to support.
Chief executive officer at GLCH, Sue Medson OAM said “GLCH had been recognised with an Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission’s (ACNC) Registered Tick.”
“The Registered Tick was introduced in December and authenticates a charity, so people can be confident their donations go to the right place,” Ms Medson added. “The Tick ensures your donation is collected by a charity that fits with Australians’ expectations and goes to the people and communities Australians want to support.”
GLCH receives funding from a number of government sources to provide health and wellbeing services to East Gippsland communities. When first established, community health centres were governed by community committees under the Health Act and received funding for capital development as well as services. Now we are non-government organisations (NGOs) and companies limited by guarantee which requires us to raise money for the upkeep and further development of our facilities.
“The development of the services we provide is in response to the needs of the communities that we serve and have grown in both number and reach,” explained Ms Medson. “Through careful budgeting we have been able to buy additional property in Bairnsdale adjacent to our current premises. We now need to raise money to refurbish this building in order to continue to expand our services”.
GLCH have several different ways for people to support the health and wellbeing of their communities including online at GiveNow, a web based fundraising initiative of the Our Community Foundation for not-for-profit organisations. For alternative options visit or telephone executive assistant, Marnie Graham on 5155 8300. All gifts are tax deductable.